High quality illustration of the Flag of the Netherlands waving in the wind.
Flag of South Korea

Netherlands Residence, Members & Partners

From May 28 Mr & Mrs W. Kok visited Korea, initially upon invitation of the Korea Labour Institute. However, the visit soon turned in a very busy schedule that included dinner at the Blue House, meetings with the PM, Ministers and assembly members, as well as researchers, committees and press. Mr Kok also spoke at the Global Forum for “Reinventing Government”.

The tiopics for Mr Kok mostly covered the Netherlands experiences regarding Labour reforma dn the Social Dialogue, initiated in the early ’80’s and institutionalised as the “Wassenaar Akkoord”. 

For Mrs Kok an equally busy program was set up that included a visit to the Raphael orphenage (Hamel Club’s charity of choice), several galeries and two ‘working lunches’ at the residence hosted by Mrs van Vollenhoven. Click here for pictures.

On Tuesday May 31st, H.E. Ambassador and Mrs van Vollenhoven kindly invited DBCK members and parners, as well as several other selected guests for a farewell reception for Mr and Mrs Kok.

The evening was a great success thanks to the gracious hosts and the relaxed atmosphere that allowed for discussions, laughs and a chance to share some ideas and views with Mr Kok’s.Mr Wim Kok was born in September 1938 and attended Nijenrode Business School. After his carreer in several trade unions, including Chairman of the FNV and of the European Trade Union Confederation Mr Kok went in to politics.

Mr Kok was leader of the PvdA and member of the Lower House. In 1989 he became Minister of Finance and Deputy PM. From August 1994 until July 2002 he was Prime Minister.On April 11th 1993 Mr Kok was appointed by Her Majesty as Minister of State.

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