High quality illustration of the Flag of the Netherlands waving in the wind.
Flag of South Korea

Hamel Trade Awards Dinner 2014

Together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Seoul, DBCK organized the Hamel Trade Awards Dinner 2014 on Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at The Plaza Hotel, Seoul. 

For the 2014 Award, four companies have been nominated by the members : Heineken Korea, Vopak Terminals Korea, VAF Instruments and Dockwise Korea. The combined opinions of the jury members led to the selection of two companies : VAF Instruments and Heineken Korea. Both companies were present at award ceremony.

The Winners of Hamel Trade Awards 2014 were announced during the ceremony at the dinner: the best performing Dutch company in Korea has been won by Heineken Korea. And the prize for best Korean company in the Netherlands went to Hyundai Engine Korea. 

The evening was attended by 69 guests, mostly DBCK members, but also representatives from Dutch companies, the sustainability experts of the Amsterdam municipality, who happened to be in Seoul for a visit, as well as numerous Korean alumni from Dutch universities. 

The guest of honor, Mr. Ha, Tae-youk, Director-General for European Affairs of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delivered a congratulatory speech.

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