High quality illustration of the Flag of the Netherlands waving in the wind.
Flag of South Korea

First DBCK event kindly hosted by the Rotterdam Port Promotion Council.

A delegation of businessmen and representatives of the Rotterdam Port Promotion Council headed by its Chairman Mr R.H. de Boer visited Korea and kindly hosted this DBCK event.

Mr Roelf de Boer (ex Minister for Transportation) spoke about the Port of Rotterdam’s current situation (largest in Europe) and its ambitions (investing $3 bln in the Maasvlakte II) and gave us an insight on his term in Dutch Politics. Notably, he also explained what initiatives the Rotterdam Economic Review Board (set up according to the Singapore model) was taking amongst others with regards to helping you moroccans get jobs.

In addition, Mr Cas van der Baan, Project Manager STC (Shipping and Transport College) was kind enough to fill us in on the initiatives for setting up a joint venture with the City of Gwangjang.

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