High quality illustration of the Flag of the Netherlands waving in the wind.
Flag of South Korea

The Korean economy, outlook 2006. ING’s Tim Condon.

This was a first, a combination evening with colleagues from the BKBF (Belgian Korean Business Forum). Thanks to the initiative of Erik Versavel,  Mr. Tim Condon, Head of Research for ING Wholesale Banking was the speaker of the evening, talking about Korea’s outlook in a global context.

Tim, is based in Singapore, a well known commentator on regional economies, and served as an external advisor to the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. He gained considerable exposure among investors as well as regional government officials during the Asian financial crisis when he worked for the Worldbank. Tim has published numerous studies and can frequently be seen on television.

The presentation was well received, partly because of Tim’s build up of the presentation by putting Korea in a global context, and not to forget his positive outlook.

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